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WSJT-X 2.2.0-rc1
WSJT-X 2.2.0-rc1 is a beta-quality release candidate for a program
upgrade that provides a number of new features and capabilities.
Categories: Amateur Radio News
Hands Free - Radcom Labs
The SAFE SPEAK HF3 is the third generation of a unique Hands-Free microphone system for two-way radio communications. The HF3 can be used with almost any radio transceiver and is ideal for permanent installation in a vehicle or temporary use during emergencies or special events.
The SAFE SPEAK HF3 is the third generation of a unique Hands-Free microphone system for two-way radio communications. The HF3 can be used with almost any radio transceiver and is ideal for permanent installation in a vehicle or temporary use during emergencies or special events.
Categories: Amateur Radio News
Collins KWM-2 Modification
Technical Reference/Radio Mods
Modifying the Collins KWM-2 for Serious CW Operation, Make this old SSB workhorse perform like it should on CW.
Modifying the Collins KWM-2 for Serious CW Operation, Make this old SSB workhorse perform like it should on CW.
Categories: Amateur Radio News
Mini Satellite-Antenna Rotator Mk1
Technical Reference/Antenna Rotator
This project is a portable device used to automatically point a directional antenna towards an orbiting satellite. It takes all the effort out of little kids holding the antenna and figuring out where to point it. It allows students to talk through Amateur Radio satellites or download weather satellite images.
This project is a portable device used to automatically point a directional antenna towards an orbiting satellite. It takes all the effort out of little kids holding the antenna and figuring out where to point it. It allows students to talk through Amateur Radio satellites or download weather satellite images.
Categories: Amateur Radio News
DR2W - DX Propagation
DX Propagation by DR2W! High resolution SNR maps in pseudo color. Propagation based on the actual sunspot number.
Categories: Propogation
N0NBH Solar Terrestrial Data
Add Solar-Terrestrial data to your website, by adding a simple html code to your pages by Paul L Herrman
Categories: Propogation
Solar Terrestrial Activity Report
Solar data with current solar status, forecast and propagation report
Categories: Propogation
FT4 Frequencies
FT4 Frequencies for HF and VHF bands as listed on WSJT-X.
Categories: Amateur Radio News
ARI International DX Contest 2020
ARI International DX Contest 2020 May 2 12:00z - May 3 11:59z
Categories: Amateur Radio News
Yaesu FT-991 vs ICOM IC-7300 Videos
A selection of videos comparing the Yaesu FT-991 versus the Icom IC-7300
Categories: Amateur Radio News
AR5700D is a high-end table-top receiver with wide band coverage between 9kHz and 3.7GHz.
Categories: Amateur Radio News
IC-R20 by Icom. Wideband Receiver Professional radioreceiver, allow double receiver, from HF to Microwave, digital recorde, DTCS, Memories and 11 hours countinuous reception.
Categories: Amateur Radio News
Strictly Ham
Shopping and Services/Regional/Australia
Strictly Ham has a large retail presence in Australia and welcomes inquiries from New Zealand, the Pacific and Asia. Strictly Ham offers a comprehensive range of high quality Amateur, CB and Marine products, based in Victoria Australia
Strictly Ham has a large retail presence in Australia and welcomes inquiries from New Zealand, the Pacific and Asia. Strictly Ham offers a comprehensive range of high quality Amateur, CB and Marine products, based in Victoria Australia
Categories: Amateur Radio News
Shopping and Services/Kits and Components
Largest range of Electronic Kits and Components for the Radio Experimenter in Australia
Largest range of Electronic Kits and Components for the Radio Experimenter in Australia
Categories: Amateur Radio News
Mini Satellite-Antenna Rotator Mk2
Technical Reference/Antenna Rotator
Design and construction of a mini satellite-antenna rotator. It used some small DC motors and a novel combination of 3D magnetometers and accelerometers to provide absolute azimuth and elevation feedback.
Design and construction of a mini satellite-antenna rotator. It used some small DC motors and a novel combination of 3D magnetometers and accelerometers to provide absolute azimuth and elevation feedback.
Categories: Amateur Radio News
Technical Reference/Radio Frequency Interference
QRM.guru has been developed to assist radio hams in dealing with RF noise. This is an educational and reference resource.
QRM.guru has been developed to assist radio hams in dealing with RF noise. This is an educational and reference resource.
Categories: Amateur Radio News
The truth about ferrites
Technical Reference/Radio Frequency Interference
Articles on the correct placement of ferrite noise suppressors are common, but little has been written about the different options and where to buy them. This page contains an interesting comparison of several ferrite types used to reduce RFI.
Articles on the correct placement of ferrite noise suppressors are common, but little has been written about the different options and where to buy them. This page contains an interesting comparison of several ferrite types used to reduce RFI.
Categories: Amateur Radio News
Solar Cycle Progression
Propagation/Solar Cycle
A dynamic graph of current and past solar cycle sunspot number progression and F10.7 cm radio flux progression. In both plots, the black line represents the monthly averaged data and the purple line represents a 13-month weighted, smoothed version of the monthly averaged data.
A dynamic graph of current and past solar cycle sunspot number progression and F10.7 cm radio flux progression. In both plots, the black line represents the monthly averaged data and the purple line represents a 13-month weighted, smoothed version of the monthly averaged data.
Categories: Amateur Radio News
Narrow FM Contest 2020
DX Resources/Contest
The ARI Club of Lecce (Italy) is proud to present the first HF FM contest. This is the NARROW FM CONTEST which will debut the 6th and 7th of June 2020. It will last 24 hours and will take place on 10 meters exclusively in the FM emission mode.
The ARI Club of Lecce (Italy) is proud to present the first HF FM contest. This is the NARROW FM CONTEST which will debut the 6th and 7th of June 2020. It will last 24 hours and will take place on 10 meters exclusively in the FM emission mode.
Categories: Amateur Radio News
Geophysical Alert Message wwv.txt
Broadcast via WWV and WWVH at 18 and 45 minutes past the hour. This message is updated every 3 hours.
Reports current Solar-terrestrial indinces, Solar Flux, A-index, K-Index, forecast for space weather storms.
Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Environment Center
Categories: Propogation